Spotlight/Police Blotter

photo: Maureen McGettigan
Coffee Communications:
A group of retired
teachers from Abraham Lincoln High School gets together almost daily
at the Stow Lake snack bar to share camaraderie and a cup of "joe."
The group has been meeting at the Golden Gate Park location since
1978. Pictured are Eleanor Holland (left to right), Don Payne, Herb
Dinits and Gene Dyrhaug.
on Sunset Homes Being Targeted
A series of break-ins
in San Francisco's Sunset District have reached, "epidemic proportions,"
according to Insp. Louis Bronfeld of the SF Police Department's burglary
Shoe Company Springs into
Z-Coil Shoes Reduce Impact on Joints
by Absorbing Impact
While strolling down Irving Street in the Inner Sunset, it is hard
not to spot a unique business - Z Connection.
Capt. Keith Sanford:
Police Beat
M. Lee: Real Estate in Different Languages
Leland Yee: Protecting the Farallon Islands